Quotes From "Practice Makes Perfect" By Jayme Karales

Most will do what’s comfortable because, let’s face it, we all like guarantees. Working a draining 9-to-5 will guarantee that your rent is paid on time, it’ll guarantee that your loans will be taken care of, it’ll guarantee you three square meals every night of the week. What if you broke down an entire lifetime of guarantees and found that your most prized moments consisted of standard, fragmented memories; high school dances, learning how to drive a car, graduating college… It’s almost as if you stopped living life the moment your education ended, the moment it was time to ‘grow up’ and ‘get a real job. Jayme Karales
I've been in love with you since the very beginning....
I've been in love with you since the very beginning. You asked why there isn't anyone else in my life, and the reason... is you. Julie James
We're out of time, Payton. You said it yourself: the only way we'll make it is for us to go into this together. I know we can do this. But I need you to believe it. You need to believe.. in us." Peyton didn't say anything for a long moment, and J.D. could literally hear his heart beating. Then she finally answered." It would have to be called Kendall and Jameson."It took J.D a moment to catch on. Then he grinned. "No way. Jameson and Kendall. It's alphabetical."" You told our boss that you banged me on top of your desk."" Kendall and Jameson sounds great . Julie James
I’m not sure I trust myself around you I liked you from the start, J.D. I really wish things had been different, that's all. Julie James